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[NewsLetter]2020년 03월 Mescope ODS Video 관리자작성일 20-05-18 17:19








February Newsletter


Welcome to the middle of winter from snowy Colorado. About this time, we begin to long for the warmth of the mountain sun. Spring skiing kicks in to high gear, golf courses dust the snow off the greens, the mountain bikes come out of hibernation, and we can finally shed those winter parkas. Here are Vibrant, we are busy working on the MEscope software, conducting webinars, and planning

our Spring conferences.
We have another MEscope ODS Videos™ webinar on tap for Wednesday February 26th. Register below. If you missed the 'Intro to MEscope ODS Videos' webinar last week we have a link to view a recording.


Make sure to stop by and see us at either the Reliable Plant show in Louisville April 7-9th, or the The Reliability Conference in Seattle May 4-7th. We will be exhibiting and presenting at both conferences.


Here's to thawing out and feeling our toes again.. Bring on the Spring!!


We value your feedback. If there is something you would like us to highlight in our newsletters, please drop us a quick email at  newsletter@vibetech.comne



See the future of ODS




See the future of ODScome


See what all the buzz is about! Click on the link below to take a quick tour of the all new MEscope ODS Videos™. This is the future of ODS..






Register for Webinar





Free Webinar
MEscope ODS Videos™ Case Study, Vertical Pump

Join us Wednesday February 26th @ 2pm ET for another MEscope ODS Videos™ webinar. Dan Ambre from Full Spectrum Diagnostics will share a case study of a recent project on a Vertical Pump using both High Speed Video and traditional accelerator based ODS.


If you missed the Introduction to MEscope ODS Videos™ webinar click here to view a recording.


Register for Webinar




MEscope ODS Videos™ FAQs


What is this MEscope ODS Videos™ Technology?

This video animation process starts with the collection of a high-speed video of an operating machine or structure. The video processing defines the apparent motion of the individual pixels on the 2-dimensional (x,y) plane. The process computes estimates of changing pixel color and intensity from a high speed video frame by frame. The result is the construction of a time-based or frequency-based ODS animation from literally tens-of-thousands of data points.




How is Optical Flow ODS™ related to MEscope ODS Videos™ A MEscope ODS Video™ is the process of creating an Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) animation of a machine or structure via a signal processing enhancement of a high-speed video at the pixel level. Optical Flow ODS™ is the analysis algorithm used to construct the Vibration ODS Videos directly from high-speed video frames. This technology extracts real-time Time Waveforms (TWF's) from each pixel location and maps them to the video image.


If I already own a camera from another vendor, why do I need the Vibrant Technology product? It can be argued that there are many benefits of the MEscope ODS Videos™ Optical Flow algorithm that will result in better video animations. However; a better argument could be made for what happens after the initial Video analysis. After isolating several potential problems in the machine, the other camera vendors at this point will usually recommend a Traditional Accelerometer-based ODS analysis and/or Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) to get to the problem root cause. The Vibrant Technology user is way ahead of the game, since the MEscope software platform equips the user to perform BOTH the MEscope ODS Videos™ analysis AND the Traditional Accelerometer-Based ODS/EMA analysis with its Visual ODS Pro software. Another argument is that the MEscope ODS Videos™ process can be used with any High-Speed Video Camera. The camera recommended by Vibrant Technology is a high-resolution Color model. The other vendors only offer black and white imaging cameras. Regardless, if you already own a camera you don't have to buy another one


Is there an ODS Training Option for the Vibrant Technology MEscope ODS Videos™ Product? Yes! The training includes use of the high-speed video camera. Imaging techniques training, ME'scope video processing, ME'scope structural modelling and traditional accelerometer-based ODS data analysis. This 2-day training is typically performed at the customer site where the class has access to on-site machinery. This is a balanced start-to-finish training experience. 


What is included in the MEscope ODS Videos VT-450 Kit?
• MEscope VT-450 ODS Videos™
• MEscope VT-800 High Speed Camera Kit Chronos 1.4 High Speed Color Camera 1280x1024 Resolution / 1069 fps Frame rate Flicker-free, LED lights (2) / Stands (2)


What is included in the MEscope VT-450 ODS Videos™ Software?

• Video ODS Animations from Time Waveforms and Frequency Spectra
• Time waveform extraction from any video via Optical Flow ODS algorithm
• Digital Filtering Signal Processing Tools
• FFT and Inverse FFT Transformations
• External Camera Triggering to lock onto rotor speed
• Access to Raw High Speed Video
• Capable of Traditional (transducer based) ODS Analysis
• Capable of Traditional (transducer based) EMA Analysis




















































2020년 팜테크 교육 일정안내








 11 (수)변형률 가시화 기술 세미나 안내  (취소)
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내구 시험 평가 분석 교육 (마감)


 04월 01(수) ~03(금)

신뢰성 교육,Fundamentals of Reliability 1회차 (유료교육)


   09(목) ~ 10(금)

DesignLife 실무 교육 1회


   23(목) ~24(금)

GlyphWorks 실무 교육 1회


 5월 21(목) ~ 22(금)

 진동 소음 측정 및 분석 교육


 6월 18(목) ~ 17(금)

 육상(일반/군용)차량(탑재) 부품에 대한 진동내구 신뢰성 교육


 7월 01(수) ~ 03(금)

 신뢰성 교육, Fundamentals of Reliability 2회차(유료교육)


   16(목) ~ 17(금)

 SoMat eDAQ Operating 교육


 8월 20(목) ~ 21(금)

 GlyphWorks 실무교육 _ 2차


 10월  15(목) ~ 16(금)

 내구 시험 평가 분석 교육


   28(수) ~ 30(금)

 진동시험 운용 및 응용 기술 교육


 11월05(목) ~ 06(금)

  DesignLife 실무 교육


   19(목) ~ 20(금)    

GlyphWorks 실무 교육 _3차


  12월03(목)~ 04(금)

신뢰성 교육 , System Reliability (BlockSim)(유료교육)


  17(목) ~ 18(금) 

 동적 신호측정 및 시험기발 모달분석 교육


*** 일정은 회사 사정에 따라 변경 될 수 있습니다. ***